minor appearances of STARISH relatives & teachers.minor appearances of different songs used.Tsukino Usagi & Tomoe Hotaru friendship.

Otoya & Cecil don't find out until way later.Ittoki Otoya & Aijima Cecil are half-brothers.Tsukino Usagi becoming a music composer.Nanami Haruka is still a music composer.minor appearance of Ittoki Otoya/Nanami Haruka pairing.Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply.Saranghae_Tenshi Fandoms: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Uta no Prince-sama Language: English Words: 38,004 Chapters: 69/? Comments: 13 Kudos: 43 Hits: 1072 A collection of all my word vomit works and brainrots enabled by multiple people on twitter. Ichinose Tokiya/Aijima Cecil/Hyuuga Yamato.Camus/Kotobuki Reiji/Kurosaki Ranmaru/Mikaze Ai.Language: English Words: 952 Chapters: 1/? Collections: 1 Kudos: 1 Hits: 15 However, something has its eyes set on making sure no one will remember either of them by the end of it all. My friend wrote this brainrot while dying at workįinally having time to meet up, they gather for a party.Hijirikawa Masato & Jinguuji Ren & Kurosaki Ranmaru.Aijima Cecil & Ittoki Otoya & Kurusu Syo.Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.> the translations provided by the amazing kuroorchidnobass linked below are from the times when they were promoting the Shining Theater Project. Bloody Shadows || Pirates of the Frontier || EveryBUDDY || Polaris.

Theater Shining Blog Translations’ Masterposts (Complete)